7 Useful Htaccess Rules & Tricks

7 Most Useful .htaccess Tricks

What is .htaccess File and How to Edit or create it?

The .htaccess file is a powerful server configuration file that provides multiple commands for controlling and configuring the Apache Web Server. It is located in your site’s root folder. You need to connect to your website using an FTP client to edit it or you can directly edit from File Manger by using cPanel access. In most cases, it’ll be there on your server, but it doesn’t, don’t worry. You can open any HTML editor or notepad to create an HTACCESS file. You have to write the required rules and save the file name with “.htaccess” (without double quotes) and need to upload it to the root directory of your website.

Important Note: Before editing your .htaccess file, it is suggested to download a copy of the existing file to the safe place of your computer as a backup. You can use that file in case anything goes wrong and the site not working as desired. So, in this case, you can easily revert back the file and keep your site working as it was.

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Most Important HTML Tags for Better SEO

Most 8 Important Tags, you have to use in your website to improve your SEO RANKING

Meta Tags

Meta tags are part of the HTML tags that help search engines and visitors to describe your page content. They are added between the <head> section of the HTML page but they are not visible to the front of the site for the visitors.  These Meta tags are only visible at code part of the website and can be view in page code. If you want to check and see the details of Meta tags, you have to check the “Source code” of the page. Just do right click on the opened website (any white or blank space) and choose the option “View Page Source” or you can use the short cut key Ctrl + U of your browser.

So, we can say that Meta tags are the key part of the webpage for all search engines that is available to the HTML code of the webpage and tell the search engines that what the page is about.  

Do Meta Tags only important for SEO?

Well, I can say, no. You don’t need to rely only on Meta Tags. If you wish that your webpage rank good on Google, you have to highly work on good-quality of page contents. If you get success to connect your users with your content that boosts your ranking automatically. But if you have an only good setup of Meta tags but your content not able to attract or failed to engage your customer, that won’t work at all.

Which Meta Tags I have to use on my website?

There are number of Meta Tags that can be used on your website. Here I am going to share some of Meta Tags which will be good to have on your site.

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